Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cake #1 and Cake #2

I plan to report on each cake, what kind it was, what it's purpose was, and who got to eat it.

Cake #1, White

Kaelyn made this last week on Friday afternoon, so we could take it to potluck the next day. As evening and suppertime got nearer, she asked, oh so sweetly, if we could eat this one for supper, and she'd make another for church the next day. I hesitated for a moment, and then said yes. So, Cake #1, which was meant for potluck, ended up being our family's supper dessert. Unfortunately, she did not get another cake baked, so we only took our raspberries to potluck. Thankfully there was plenty of food, because two quart jars of raspberries is hardly enough of a contribution for a family of 5.

Cake #2, Yellow

Last Friday, I made this cake, again for potluck.